Saturday, August 4, 2007

Teeth Whitening products and procedures

You can select from a number of products and procedures available for teeth whitening.

Brush-on teeth whitening: It is the easiest and simplest form of teeth whitening. You just have to brush your teeth using brush-on teeth whitening products available in the market and leave them overnight.

Strips: There are various teeth whitening strips available in the market that you can use. These strips can be applied to your teeth and over a period of time the bleaching action will whiten them.

Teeth whitening toothpaste: A lot of teeth whitening products advertise "whitening." Whitening toothpaste can help a bit, but since it is only an abrasive, it can "whiten" the outerlayer only. True teeth whitening happens through the enamel and dentin. This requires hydrogen peroxide.

At-home kits: There are various at-home kits available for teeth whitening, such as trays, strips and gels. These products are effective and can be used by anyone at home. They are also cheaper than most other methods of teeth whitening.

Custom at-home kits: These kits are custom made for the shape of the teeth of the patient. The custom at-home kits are very effective as they fit the teeth properly and cover all areas.

Dental visits: This involves a visit to the dentist and determines the best method for teeth whitening. The dentist will either suggest an in-office treatment or laser-light assisted teeth whitening. Bleaching agents are applied to your teeth and treated with a special light to get the desired results. Lasers are used to increase the speed of bleaching. You can see the results in a single sitting.

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